It’s official: Toei Animation has revealed plans to host a major “One Piece” celebration as the headline event of its Anime Expo programming schedule this year. “One Piece” premiered on October 20, 1999 and has been continuously entertaining anime fans around the world for now more than 23 years. This coming July 2nd, in celebration of the new English dub of One Piece approaching the milestone 1000 episodes, Toei Animation and Crunchyroll will be co-hosting the special event, “One Piece Episode 1000 Dub World Premiere” during Anime Expo 2023. On top of the 1000th dub episode screening, this specially produced celebration will feature a variety of fan experiences including an autographic signing session with dub actors Ian Sinclair, Patrick Sietz and Sonny Strait, a live drawing showcase and Q&A with Japanese “One Piece” animators, a Luffy & Shanks statue display, a ONE PIECE CARD GAME demo, One Piece Odyssey demo stations and much more.


Taking place at the GRAMMY Museum at L.A. Live Rooftop Terrace from 6:00pm-10:00pm on July 2, 2023. Guests of all ages are welcomed to attend. Free admission.