anime expo chibi® 2024 Treasure Hunt Rules
The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) is excited to invite you to participate in anime expo chibi Treasure Hunt! Free to ax chibi attendees! Rare prizes included! Please see the rules of participation below for details.
1.) Eligible Participants:
- ax chibi attendees 18 years of age and over (or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian if under 18)
- ax chibi exhibitors and Artist Alley artist
2.) Prizes*:
Prizes subject to change (check this page for updates)
3.) Dates and Time:
- 11/8/2024 - Total of 3 treasures will be awarded
- Hunt # 1 - 4:00PM
- Hunt # 2 - 5:00PM
- Hunt # 3 - 6:00PM
- Prize redemption location for 11/8 will be at the ax chibi merch booth by the registration counter. Prize redemption on 11/9 - 11/10 will be at the ax chibi merch booth at chibi plaza.
- 11/9/2024 - Total of 10 treasures will be awarded
- Hunt # 1 - 6:00PM
- Hunt # 2 - 7:00PM
- Hunt # 3 - 8:00PM
- Hunt # 4 - 9:00PM
- Hunt # 5 - 10:00PM
- Prize redemption will be at the ax chibi merch booth at chibi plaza. Prize redemption location will close at 11:30PM for 11/9/2024. If you are unable to make it by 11:30PM, you may redeem your prize on 11/10 starting at 9:00AM.
- 11/10/2024 - Total of 7 treasures will be awarded
- Hunt # 1 - 11:00AM
- Hunt # 2 - 12:00PM
- Hunt # 3 - 1:00PM
- Hunt # 4 - 2:00PM
- Hunt # 5 - 3:00PM
- Hunt # 6 - 4:00PM
- Hunt # 7 - 5:00PM
- Prize redemption will be at the ax chibi merch booth at chibi plaza. All prize redemption will need to be redeemed by 6:00PM on 11/10/2024, or otherwise forfeited.
4.) How to play:
- Each day, Polaroid photos will be hidden around the anime expo chibi campus. Each Polaroid photo will feature the Prize to be awarded.
- Each Lucky Participant can exchange the located Polaroid photo they found for the Prize shown on the Polaroids at the ax chibi Merch Booth.
- No Participant may claim more than one Prize.
- Clues will be provided on the anime expo chibi’s official Instagram account (@animeexpochibi) at a scheduled time (see above Dates and Time).
- SPJA will announce on the anime expo chibi official Instagram account when all Prizes allocated for each day have been redeemed.
- All Prizes must be claimed at the ax chibi Merch Booth by 6:00 PM on November 10, 2024. Prizes not claimed by this deadline will be forfeited.
- Any Polaroid photos found and submitted for redemption prior to the start of the treasure hunt campaign and/or before the clues are released on Instagram will not be honored.
5.) Not Eligible to Participate:
- SPJA’s employees and contractors, and family and friends of SPJA’s employees and contractors
- SPJA’s vendors (unless off-duty and attending event as attendees)
- Ontario Convention Center employees, contractors, and vendors (unless off-duty and attending event as attendees)
6.) Prizes are awarded while supplies last. No transfer, or cash or other substitution of prizes allowed except that SPJA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to substitute a Prize of comparable or greater value.
7.) SPJA will document winning Participants’ names and contact information solely for its records. SPJA may also take photographs of winning Participant with their winning prize for promotion of ax chibi and the Treasure Hunt.
8.) Winning Participants are responsible for any local and state taxes that may be incurred
9.) Any attempt to sabotage other attendees or alter clues will result in immediate forfeiture of participation. Destruction of any property is prohibited. Any violation of the Code of Conduct warrants immediate termination from participation or expulsion from the event.
10.) SPJA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify, or suspend the Treasure Hunt in whole or in part, in the event of fraud, technical or other difficulties, or if the integrity of the Treasure Hunt is compromised.
Previous Winners!