- Tables are 6’ x 2’ and 2.5’ high
- Artists who have paid for their tables (excluding Artists on the waitlist) will receive an e-mail notification prior to the release of the application form.
- There are two types of participants that are permitted at Artist Alley that must have an Artist Alley badge. A maximum of (3) participants are allowed per table.
- The Artist (main registrant / table buyer) is the individual liable for the table, responsible for filling out the forms, and responsible for registering additional participants. Important notifications, updates, and communication will be sent to the Artist via email. The Artist does not need to purchase an additional Artist Alley badge as the table packages purchased includes their registration.
- Helpers are individuals who assist artists during the show and do not sell artwork. They do not need to provide a CA seller’s permit, samples of work, or a portfolio.
Artists will have the option to select their table during the time of purchase.
SPJA reserves the absolute right to change the floor plan or to move an Artist to another location prior to or during the Event.
Artist Alley Single Table Package
Artist Alley Table Packages will receive a 50% refund for any cancellations received by February 28, 2025. Cancellations made after this deadline will not receive a refund. Artists who have submitted the Artist Alley Form and are not approved will be fully refunded.
Artists may only purchase one (1) Table Package. Duplicate orders will be canceled immediately. Artist Alley Table Packages are non-transferable to other artists and attendees. This includes other artists already registered under the same table. Tables are non-transferable to subsequent years.
SPJA reserves the right to resell or reassign canceled tables in the event of either a full or partial cancellation of an Artist Alley Table Package.
Additional Artist Alley Badges
Artist Alley badges are non-refundable and non-transferable to other shows and other participants.
General attendees are not permitted behind the tables during the show. If an Artist Alley participant must exchange their 4-Day badge for an Artist Alley badge, please contact artistalley@anime-expo.org.
A California Seller’s Permit may be obtained 90 days before the show date and must be submitted via the Artist Alley Form by May 31, 2025.
By law, any individual selling items in the state of California must have a California Seller’s Permit. The permit is free and easy to obtain. You may apply for a permit online, by mail, or in person at one of the Board of Equalization field offices.
Anime Expo Artist Alley requires that all Artists provide a Seller’s Permit number in order to complete their registration. Additionally, all Artists must keep either a paper or electronic copy of each California Seller’s Permit at their table according to state policy.
The online application can be found at the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration website (https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/services/#Overview).
Since groups are not recognized at Anime Expo, we require that all individuals selling items in the Artist Alley obtain a solo Seller’s Permit. Seller’s Permits with ‘et al’ will not be accepted.
The Seller's Permit number should be provided via the Artist Alley Form.
In accordance with state policy, all Artists must keep their Seller's Permit (original or copy) available at their respective table.
All individuals selling items in Artist Alley are required to obtain their own Seller’s Permit. NO 'et al' will be accepted.
For more information, please refer to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration website.
Artist Alley exists to promote and celebrate original artwork by fans of Japanese animation and pop culture. We encourage original prints, comics, and crafts. We enjoy seeing Artists produce new and exciting material every year. Below are guidelines and restrictions on what may and may not be sold in Artist Alley. Any Artists who are non-compliant with the sales policies are subject to the Two Strike Rule.
Please note: Artists attracting a larger crowd that is impeding traffic may be subject to relocation or may be shut down for the time being.
SPJA has zero-tolerance for infringing content at any of our events. Reproduced artwork that is traced, vectorized, copied, or otherwise altered from another Artist or was not created by you, whether as a part or the whole of a work, is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to:
- Official Logos
- Symbols
- Background Art
- Pre-Existing Artwork / Images
Selling infringing content is a violation of civil and criminal law. SPJA encourages anyone who sees infringing content to report it, whether you are the content owner, an artist, or an attendee who notices that something is wrong. Our enforcement procedure can be found in the Artist Alley Packet.
The sale of bootleg merchandise, grey market goods, and pseudo-merchandise is a serious offense.
- Bootleg / counterfeit merchandise is defined as items made without the trademark holder’s authorization and is strictly prohibited from Anime Expo.
- Grey market goods are defined as items manufactured abroad and imported into the US without the consent of the trademark holder and are strictly prohibited from Anime Expo.
- Pseudo-merchandise are items that, intentionally or not, directly compete with licensed merchandise available in the Exhibit Hall or elsewhere is also strictly prohibited. Please do your research before getting to work. A general rule to follow is to avoid using fan art of any type on t-shirts, bags, buttons, stickers, keychains, and like items.
Artists found to be selling bootleg merchandise, grey market goods, or pseudo-merchandise will be issued a warning and asked to remove the item(s) form the table for the remainder of the convention. Continued infractions will lead to immediate expulsion from the Artist Alley and a possible disqualification from participating in future events. Our enforcement procedure can be found in the Artist Alley Packet.
We are not liable for any infringing content, or failure to discover or remove the infringing content. We do our best to keep infringing content out of our show and cooperate with Rights Holders and law enforcement. SPJA is not responsible for policing or enforcing intellectual property.
Do NOT under any circumstances use artwork that is not your own. Do not trace, vectorize, copy, or otherwise alter an/or reproduce artwork that is not your own, whether as a part or the whole of a work. This includes official logos, symbols, background art, and any other pre-existing artwork or images that are not yours.
Sexually explicit or provocative material will not be permitted for sales and display. This includes nudity and partially nude artwork. SPJA will determine what may be sold and displayed at its sole discretion.
Selling items that are mass produced is prohibited in Artist Alley. The Artist Alley is a venue for amateur and professional artists to promote and sell their original artwork. It is not a cheaper alternative to an Exhibit Hall space, nor is it an easy way to make money off intellectual property that is not your own. Mass production and sale of items by artists in the Artist Alley could damage the integrity and threaten the continued existence of the Artist Alley at Anime Expo.
Artists found to be (a) producing and selling items in numbers rivaling those of Exhibit Hall vendors, and/or (b) utilizing the Artist Alley in a manner that could potentially damage the integrity and spirit of the Artist Alley, may face immediate expulsion from any SPJA events.
Proxy selling (i.e. selling the works of a person who is not present and a registered Artist in Anime Expo Artist Alley) is strictly prohibited. Collaborative works, such as anthologies, would be an exception to this rule.
No weapons are allowed at any Anime Expo event. Sales of weapons and prop/replica weapons are prohibited in Artist Alley.
Artists may only participate in one area. Artists will not be allowed to participate in both Artist Alley and Exhibit Hall.
Artists are prohibited from any pay-to-play activities. Artist must provide goods and/or services in exchange for any payments made. Examples of pay-to-play activities include:
- Carnival Games
- Raffles
- Gambling
In the case of harassment or conflict, please notify an Artist Alley staff volunteer and Artist Alley HQ immediately. You may file a claim form to officially report an issue. If you would like to report a potential copyright issue or art theft onsite during Anime Expo, please notify an Artist Alley (purple vest) staff volunteer.
We kindly ask you to be mindful about artists around you. Each year we receive complaints about neighboring artists who are not respectful about space around them. We also want to make sure all aisles and walkways are safe! A little consideration can make a world of a difference!
Each Artist Alley table comes with:
- One (1) 6’x2’ table with no skirting
- Two (2) chairs
- One (1) table signs (includes table name and number)
- Your table name and number must be visible at all times.
- Table signage is provided for you but if you do not use it or cover it, you must replace it with your own.
- All sale items, goods, and supplies must fit on or under your table. You must keep your own items on your table and must not impede onto the table/area next to you. This includes adding displays, boxes, clothing or anything.
- Items may NOT be stored on the floor behind your chair.
- Note: The pathway behind the tables must be kept completely clear. Staff and artists must be able to walk behind you to get to the end of the aisles unimpeded. Any additional supplies or merchandise must be kept under the table.
- Objects and items that will obstruct the flow of traffic in the aisles: Objects included are chairs, easels, boxes, clothes racks, table coverings, etc. Table coverings that drape into aisles should be tucked in and not out for someone to trip on. No items may be on the floor in front of your table.
- Unsteady overhead displays: Overhead displays that are determined to be unsteady by the Artist Alley Staff must be taken down and not put up again during the course of the convention. Please make sure that your overhead displays are secure BEFORE you bring them and set them up. (If they sway with a gust a wind, then they probably are not safe.) They must also not exceed 7’ 6” in height when measured from the floor.
- Additional chairs may be NOT be placed behind the table at any time. Do not take chairs from other tables.
- Individuals must have their Artist Alley badge to be behind a table. Those who are caught without a badge or are violating the badge policy will be escorted out of the premises and the badge will be confiscated.
- All signage and displays must be less than 7’ 6” inches from the ground.
- You must have at least an 8 1/2" x 11" inch opening in your table display. This is to ensure your are visible to Artist Alley Volunteers and attendees, as well as keeping your items visible to you (the artist).
- End tables may NOT use stands to display art that spill into the walkway/aisles for attendees/artists.
- Stands and displays should not go over the confines of your table. Tripods and displays must not extend beyond the bounds of your table(s), meaning you cannot display items behind you or the table.
- Weapons: Swords, guns, and any projectile items are prohibited
- Lighted candles or incense: Do not make your table a fire hazard.
- Industrial Machines and Volatile/Flammable Liquids: Do not bring industrial machines, aerosol cans, airbrushes, or any other supplies or equipment that could be potentially harmful, dangerous, or noisy.
- X-rated materials: Adult material will not be permitted to be sold in Artist Alley. Any items showing pornography and/or nudity will not be allowed to be displayed or sold.
- Music: Not everyone likes the same music. Please be respectful of the staff, con-goers and your fellow artists by not playing music or other audio through speakers or with instruments.
- Helium Balloons: Helium balloons are prohibited inside the convention center.
- Wheels: The Union at the LACC requires that all items being brought into the Artist Alley be carried in bags/boxes in your arms or on your back.
- Gridwalls of any size are prohibited. However, wire cube displays are permitted with maximum of 4 cubes high.

Any repeat offenses are subject to the TWO STRIKE RULE.
Effective Date: June 15, 2017
Anime Expo® and the SPJA reserve the right to modify and/or update this FAQ at any time in their sole discretion and without prior notice. This FAQ does not constitute legal advice. Artists coming into the United States to participate in other fan conventions have been stopped at the U.S./Canada border. This FAQ is provided to you merely as a courtesy. If you need legal advice about your needs and situation, you should contact an immigration lawyer.*
Q: What type of visa do I need if I want to visit the United States for a short time?
A: Unless you qualify for entry under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), you will need a visitor visa if you’re a citizen of a foreign country who wants to temporarily visit the US.
Q: Does every country belong to the Visa Waiver Program?
A: Only 38 countries participate in the program. NOTE: The following categories are no longer eligible to travel or be admitted to the U.S. under the VWP:
– Nationals of VWP countries who have traveled to or been present in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, or Yemen on or after March 1, 2011 (with limited exceptions for travel for diplomatic or military purposes in the service of a VWP country); and
– Nationals of VWP countries who are also nationals of Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria.
Q: Does it matter if my temporary visit to the US is for business or for pleasure?
A: You need a B-1 visa if you’re visiting for business reasons. You need a B-2 visa if you’re visiting for pleasure. Typically, you will receive a combined B-1/B-2 visa. You will be expected to explain the nature of your travel when you apply for the visa and when you enter the U.S.
Q: What activities are permitted under a B-1 visa?
A: With a B-1 visa, you may: consult with business associate; attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference; settle an estate; or negotiate a contract.
- What activities are permitted under a B-2 visa?
- With a B-2 visa, the following activities are permitted: tourism; vacation; visit with friends or relatives; medical treatment; participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social or service organizations; participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating; enrollment in short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while you are on vacation.)
Q: I am an artist – can I create work in the U.S. if I enter in B-1 or B-2 status?
- Yes, but only if you are not under contract with a U.S. employer and do not intend to sell your work in the U.S.
- If I plan to enter the U.S. and sell art work I created outside the U.S., can I do this with a B-1 visa?
- No. This is considered extending your business into the U.S. with the U.S. becoming a profit center and is not permitted under a B-1 or B-2 visa.
Q: If I plan to run a business in the US, can I just get a B-1 visa?
A: No, you’ll need a working visa and not a visitor visa.
Q: Do I need a working visa if I am conducting interviews and hiring employees?
A: No, a B-1 visitor visa or entry under the Visa Waiver Program is usually enough.
Q: Once I receive my visitor visa, am I guaranteed entrance into the US?
A: Your visa only allows you to visit the US port-of-entry. It doesn’t guarantee you’ll be granted admission to the U.S. An immigration inspector for the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) decides whether you can enter into the U.S. Aliens seeking to lawfully enter into the United States must establish their admissibility to the satisfaction of the CBP officer. This is done as part of the inspection process. The reasons that a traveler who is applying for admission into the United States could be inadmissible are found in INA § 212(a). The Inspecting Officer must be convinced that your stated purpose for entering the U.S., and all surrounding circumstances, are consistent with the activities permitted under your visa classification. For instance, if you have no ties (bank accounts, property, lease obligation, etc.) in your home country, and are traveling with significant luggage or property, the Officer may conclude that you do not intend to enter as a visitor, and that you intend to remain in the U.S. In that case, regardless of having a B-1 visa, your entry would be denied.
NOTE: CBP Officers may check cell phones and social media as part of their inspection prior to making a decision whether or not you are eligible for entry/admission to the U.S.
Q: Where do I apply for a visitor visa?
A: You should apply for a visitor visa at the US Embassy or Consulate that has authority over where you permanently live.
Q: Will I have an interview as part of my visa application process?
A: In most cases, an interview is required before a visa will be issued.
Q: How long will I have to wait for my interview appointment or for my visa to be processed?
A: The US Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA), provides the wait times for interviews and visa processing on its website.
Q: What documentation and forms do I need to apply for a visitor visa?
A: You will need a photograph, a valid passport and a completed DS-160, Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application form. Check your US Embassy or Consulate to find out if there’s additional documentation that’s required.
Q: Does it cost money to apply for a visitor visa?
A: You must pay a processing fee to apply for a visa. You may also have to pay an issuance fee once the visa is issued. The issuance fee is based on what your country charges US citizens for the same type of visa.
Q: I only need to travel to the US for 30 days. Is there any way to waive the visitor visa requirement?
A: You may be able to travel to the US without obtaining a visa through the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). The stay must be for 90 days or less and be for tourism or business reasons; you must have an e-Passport; and you must have Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) approval prior to travel.
*This FAQ was drafted by the respected immigration firm of Chronis & Kreher LLP, San Francisco, CA www.chronisandkreher.com. If you need a U.S. immigration lawyer, they may be available for hire to advise you.