Yuya Hirose

Guest of Honor

Born on April 9th. From Chiba Prefecture. Affiliated with Arts Vision. Some of his notable works include: "SSSS.GRIDMAN" as Yuta Hibiki, "Kinsou no Vermeil” as Alto Goldfield, "IDOLiSH7" as Isumi Haruka, among others.

Born on April 9th. From Chiba Prefecture. Affiliated with Arts Vision. Some of his notable works include: “SSSS.GRIDMAN” as Yuta Hibiki, “Kinsou no Vermeil” as Alto Goldfield, “IDOLiSH7” as Isumi Haruka, among others.

4月9日生まれ。千葉県出身。アーツビジョン所属。主な出演作品は、『グリッドマン ユニバース』響 裕太役、『金装のヴェルメイユ~崖っぷち魔術師は最強の厄災と魔法世界を突き進む~』アルト·ゴールドフィルド役、『アイドリッシュセブン』亥清悠役ほか。

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